Schedule Overview

Advance Program

The CSCW 2015 advance program is available through Confer, a tool to help conference-goers discover and remember papers and people. You can create an account that you can use to access the program across devices; you can also browse the program as a guest.

In either case, checking out the program and marking things you're interested in will help you remember things you want to see, help conference planners match sessions to rooms, and let Confer build a profile of your interests to recommend papers to see and (if you're interested) people to meet as well.

PDFs of papers are accessible through Confer (click the small ACM icon next to a paper's title). The proceedings as a whole are also available from the ACM Digital Library.

Print Program

Download the full print program here.

Opening and Closing Plenaries

We welcome Jeff Hancock and Zeynep Tufekci as our keynote speakers.

CSCW attendees are also invited to attend the Learning at Scale (L@S) closing keynote, "Machine Learning for Learning at Scale" by Peter Norvig, Director of Research at Google Inc.


Details will be available soon about conference receptions, including a joint CSCW/L@S reception on Sunday.

CSCW Lasting Impact Award

CSCW 2015 has bestowed the CSCW Lasting Impact Award to Wanda Orlikowski's 1992 paper Learning from Notes: organizational issues in groupware implementation.

Accepted Workshops

Eleven workshops will take place Saturday March 14th - Sunday March 15th.

Monday Social Lunch & Mentoring Workshop

We invite attendees to sign up for a social lunch or a "Mentoring Undergraduate Research" workshop (which includes lunch) both being held on the Monday of CSCW. More details of each event here.

Tuesday Morning Confer Coffee

If you're a registered user of the Confer online program and you have marked papers and sessions of interest, the Confer team would like to help you meet like-minded people (and perhaps Tuesday lunch partners) during the coffee break at 10:00 on Tuesday morning.

Details are still finalizing, but the plan is to grab coffee and meet at the posters/demos room at 10:00 to find some intellectual soulmates; SVs and Confer folks will be there to facilitate. This is a great reason to hit Confer now and start planning the sessions you'll attend and papers you'll read. Further, the papers are available in the ACM DL (click the small ACM icon next to a paper's title in Confer), so you can download them now and beat the rush at the conference.