Lasting Impact Award
The Lasting Impact Award goes to a paper that is at least 10 years old and has had an impact on CSCW as a field. Nominations are taken from the community, and the decision is made by a committee of senior CSCW scholars. This year’s committee consisted of Cecilia Aragon, Amy Bruckman, Karrie Karahalios, Michael Muller, Bonnie Nardi, Paul Resnick, and Naomi Yamashita.
We’re pleased to announce that the 2020 Lasting Impact Award goes to Stacey D. Scott, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, and Kori Inkpen, for their 2004 paper, “Territoriality in collaborative tabletop workspaces.”
Best Paper Awards
Approximately 1000 papers were eligible for consideration for Best Paper awards, which are limited to the top 1% for Best Papers, and 5% for Honorable Mentions.
Best Papers
“So-called privacy breeds evil”: Narrative Justifications for Intimate Partner Surveillance in Online Forums
Rosanna Bellini, Newcastle University;Emily Tseng, Cornell Tech;Nora McDonald, Drexel University;Rachel Greenstadt, New York University;Damon McCoy, New York University;Thomas Ristenpart, Cornell Tech;Nicola Dell, Cornell Tech
CommunityClick: Capturing and Reporting Community Feedback from Town Halls to Improve Inclusivity
Mahmood Jasim, University of Massachusetts Amherst;Pooya Khaloo, University of Massachusetts Amherst;Somin Wadhwa, University of Massachusetts Amherst;Amy X Zhang, University of Washington;Ali Sarvghad, University of Massachusetts AmherstNarges Mahyar, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Decolonizing Tactics as Collective Resilience: Identity Work of AAPI Communities on Reddit
Bryan Dosono, Syracuse University;Bryan Semaan, Syracuse University
How We’ve Taught Algorithms to See Identity: Constructing Race and Gender in Image Databases for Facial Analysis
Morgan Klaus Scheuerman, University of Colorado Boulder;Caitlin Lustig, University of Washington;Kandrea Wade, University of Colorado Boulder;Jed R Brubaker, University of Colorado Boulder
Between Subjectivity and Imposition: Power Dynamics in Data Annotation for Computer Vision
Milagros Miceli, TU Berlin;Martin Schuessler, TU Berlin;Tianling Yang , TU Berlin
Sociocultural Dimensions of Tracking Health and Taking Care
Karthik S Bhat, Georgia Tech;Neha Kumar, Georgia Tech
Socio-Spatial Comfort: Using Vision-based Analysis to Inform User-Centred Human-Building Interactions
Bokyung Lee, Autodesk Research & KAIST;Michael Lee, Autodesk Research;Alexander Tessier, Autodesk Research;Pan Zhang, Autodesk Research;daniel saakes, KAIST;Azam Khan, University of Toronto
Piracy and the Impaired Cyborg: Assistive Technologies, Accessibility, and Access
Priyank Chandra, University of Toronto
“They Just Don’t Get It”: Towards Social Technologies for Coping with Interpersonal Racism
Alexandra To, Carnegie Mellon University;Wenxia Sweeney, Coe College;Jessica Hammer, Carnegie Mellon University;Geoff Kauffman, Carnegie Mellon University
Honorable Mention Papers
Mitigating Exploitation: Indie Game Developers’ Reconfigurations of Labor in Technology
Guo Freeman, Clemson University;Jeffrey Bardzell, Indiana University;Shaowen Bardzell, Indiana University;Nathan McNeese, Clemson University
Successful Online Socialization: Lessons from the Wikipedia Education Program
Ang Li, University of Pittsburgh;Zheng Yao, Carnegie Mellon University;Diyi Yang, Georgia Tech;Chinmay Kulkarni, Carnegie Mellon University;Rosta Farzan, University of Pittsburgh;Robert E Kraut, Carnegie Mellon University
Conformity of Eating Disorders through Content Moderation
Jessica L Feuston, Northwestern University;Alex S Taylor, City University London;Anne Marie Piper, Northwestern University
“Pick Someone Who Can Kick Your Ass” – Moneywork in Financial Third Party Access
Belén Barros Pena, Northumbria University;Bailey Kursar Touco, London UK;Rachel E Clarke, Newcastle University;Katie Alpin, Money and Mental Health Policy Institute;Merlyn Holkar, Money and Mental Health Policy Institute;John Vines, Northumbria University
A Seat at the Table: Black Feminist Thought as a Critical Framework for Inclusive Game Design
Yolanda A Rankin, Florida State;India Irish, Georgia Tech
To Plan or Not to Plan? A Mixed-Methods Diary Study Examining When, How, and Why Knowledge Work Planning is Inaccurate
Yoana Ahmetoglu, University College London;Duncan P Brumby, University College London;Anna L Cox, University College London
What Makes People Join Conspiracy Communities?: Role of Social Factors in Conspiracy Engagement
Shruti Vikas Phadke, Virginia Tech;Mattia Samory, Gesis;Tanushree Mitra, Virginia Tech
Daughters of Men: Saudi Women’s Sociotechnical Agency Practices in Addressing Domestic Abuse
Hawra Rabaan, IUPUI;Lynn Dombrowski, IUPUI;Alyson L Young, IUPUI
Shifting forms of Engagement: Volunteer Learning in Online Citizen Science
Corey Brian Jackson, University of California Berkeley & Syracuse University;Carsten Østerlund, Syracuse University;Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University;Mahboobeh Harandi, Syracuse University;Laura Trouille, Zooniverse & Adler Planetarium
Moving across lands: Online Platform Migration in Fandom Communities
Casey Fiesler, University of Colorado Boulder;Brianna Dym, University of Colorado Boulder
CrowdCO-OP: Sharing Risks and Rewards in Crowdsourcing
Shaoyang Fan, University of Queensland;Ujwal Gadiraju, University of Hanover;Alessandro Checco, University of Sheffield;Gianluca Demartini, University of Queensland
Using Data to Approach the Unknown: Patients’ and Healthcare Providers’ Data Practices in Fertility Challenges
Mayara Costa Figueiredo, University of California Irvine;Irene Su, University of California San Diego;Yunan Chen, University of California Irvine
My Team Will Go On: Differentiating High and Low Viability Teams through Team Interaction
Hancheng Cao, Stanford University; Vivian Yang, Stanford University; Victor Chen, Stanford University; Yu Jin Lee, Stanford University; Lydia Stone, Stanford University; N’godjigui Junior Diarrassouba, Texas Tech; Mark E Whiting, University of Pennsylvania; Michael S. Bernstein, Stanford University
Vision Skills Needed to Answer Visual Questions
Xiaoyu Zeng, University of Texas Austin;Yanan Wang, University of Texas Austin;Tai-Yin Chiu, University of Texas Austin;Nilavra Bhattacharya, University of Texas Austin;Danna Gurari, University of Texas Austin
“I was afraid, but now I enjoy being a streamer!’’: Understanding the Challenges and Prospects of Using Live Streaming for Online Education
Xinyue Chen, Peking University;Si Chen, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign;Xu Wang, Carnegie Mellon University;Yun Huang, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Data and Power: Archival Theory as a Framework for Data Preservation Practice
Sarita Schoenebeck, University of Michigan;Paul Conway, University of Michigan
Conceptual Metaphors Impact Perceptions of Human-AI Collaboration
Pranav Khadpe, Stanford University;Ranjay Krishna, Stanford University;Li Fei-Fei, Stanford University;Jeff Hancock, Stanford University;Michael Bernstein, Stanford University
Learning from Tweets: Opportunities and Challenges to Inform Policy Making During Dengue Epidemic
Farhana Shahid, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology;Shahinul Hoque Ony, BRAC University;Takrim Rahman Albi, BRAC University;Sriram Chellappan, University of South FloridaAlabi Mehzabin Anisha, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology;
“I can’t get round”: Recruiting Assistance in Mobile Robotic Telepresence
Andriana Boudouraki, University of Nottingham;Joel E Fischer, University of Nottingham;Stuart Reeves, University of Nottingham;Sean Rintel, Microsoft Research
When Are Search Completion Suggestions Problematic?
Alexandra Olteanu, Microsoft Research;Fernando Diaz, Microsoft Research;Gabriella Kazai, Microsoft Research
Hidden Figures: Roles and Pathways of Successful OSS Contributors
Bianca Trinkenreich, Northern Arizona University;Mariam Guizani, Oregon State University;Igor Wiese, Federal University of Technology Paraná;Anita Sarma, Oregon State University;Igor Steinmacher, Northern Arizona University
Data Integration as Coordination: The Articulation of Data Work in an Ocean Science Collaboration
Andrew B Neang, University of Washington;Will Sutherland, University of Washington;Michael W Beach, University of Washington;Charlotte P Lee, University of Washington
Outstanding Poster Recognitions
These two posters are being recognized by the 2020 Posters Chairs as the top submitted posters this year, based on overall reviews.
Contributions to Diversity & Inclusion
Based on nominations from reviewers and an evaluation process from the Awards Committee and the 2020 Diversity & Inclusion Co-Chairs, 10 papers are being recognized this year for their contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion within CSCW scholarship. View the list of recognized papers on the Diversity & Inclusion page.
Awards Chair
Casey Fiesler
University of Colorado Boulder
Best Papers Committee
Ishtiaque Ahmed, University of Toronto
Nazanin Andalibi, University of Michigan
Shiwei Cheng, Zhejiang University of Technology
Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University
Radhika Garg, Syracuse University
Shion Guha, Marquette University
Oliver Haimson, University of Michigan
Jean Hardy, Michigan State University
Christina Harrington, DePaul University
Roberto Hoyle, Oberlin College
Alex Leavitt, Facebook
Silvia Lindtner, University of Michigan
Tanu Mitra, University of Washington
Matti Nelimarkka, University of Helsinki
Saiph Savage, West Virginia University
Vivek Singh, Rutgers University
Angelika Strohmayer, Northumbria University
Aditya Vashistha, Cornell University
Mark Whiting, University of Pennsylvania
Yvette Wohn, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Diyi Yang, Georgia Institute of Technology