CSCW 2019


Workshops will be held on November 9 and 10, 2019 at the Hilton Hotel, Austin. Below is the schedule of workshops being held at this year’s CSCW. We have eight workshops on Saturday and eight on Sunday. Please follow the workshop organizers’ instructions on their websites for how to submit and participate in the workshop.

Workshop participants are required to register for their workshops (and pay the corresponding fee per workshop) via the conference registration site. The CSCW 2019 Organizing Committee cannot exempt or defray these registration fees for organizers or participants. Workshop registrations can be added at any time to existing conference registrations, including on the day of the workshop. There is a registration option for attendees who are only participating in a workshop but not the main conference.

Saturday Workshops

W1. Qualitative Methods for CSCW: Challenges and Opportunities

Abstract: Qualitative methods have long been an important component of CSCW research. However, it can be challenging to make qualitative work legible to a broader set of researchers, which is critical as mixed methods research becomes more common. Moreover, the shift towards larger scales of data and increasing calls for open data and more transparency pose new questions for qualitative methods in terms of data collection, analysis, reporting, and sharing. This workshop brings together researchers to discuss these challenges as well as new opportunities for qualitative methods, with goals to help build norms and best practices for (1) conducting qualitative research, (2) reporting that research, and (3) engaging and collaborating with CSCW researchers from other methodological traditions.

W2. Better supporting workers in ML workplaces

Abstract: This workshop is aimed at bringing together a multidisciplinary group to discuss Machine Learning and its application in the workplace as a practical, everyday work matter. It’s our hope this is a step toward helping us design better technology and user experiences to support the accomplishment of that work, while paying attention to workplace context. Despite advancement and investment in ML business applications, understanding workers in these work contexts have received little attention. As this category experiences dramatic growth, it’s important to better understand the role that workers play, both individually and collaboratively, in a workplace where the output of prediction and machine learning is becoming pervasive. There is a closing window of opportunity to investigate this topic as it proceeds toward ubiquity. CSCW and HCI offer concepts, tools and methodologies to better understand and build for this future.

W3. Ubiquitous Privacy: Research and Design for Mobile and IoT Platforms

Abstract: This one-day workshop aims to explore ubiquitous privacy research and design in the context of mobile and IoT by facilitating discourse among scholars from the networked privacy and design communities. The complexity in modern socio-technical systems points to the potential of utilizing various design techniques (e.g., speculative design, design fiction, and research through design practices) in surfacing the potential consequences of novel technologies, particularly those that traditional user studies may not reveal. The results will shed light in future privacy designs for mobile and IoT technologies from both empirical and design perspectives.

W4. Life Transitions and Social Technologies: Research and Design for Times of Life Change

Abstract: When people experience major changes in their lives ( e.g., relationship changes, transition from high school to college, realizing an LGBTQ identity, life stage changes such as transitioning to old age, etc.), they often turn to social technologies to help navigate shifting identities and networks and find support and resources. People’s experiences using social technologies during times of life transition, and how to better design such technologies, has been a major focus of social computing research. This workshop will gather researchers working in this space to discuss eight themes: life events vs. processes; changing identities; multiple overlapping life events; physical and digital transitions; technology non-use during life transitions; liminality framework; theoretical frames; and methodological considerations. Collaboratively, we will 1) synergize insights from workshop organizers’ and participants’ research to determine how social technologies can be designed to better support people during life transitions and 2) outline an agenda for the future of social computing work focused on life transitions.

W5. The Future of Work(places)

Abstract: While the shift to on-demand labor may foster greater control over one’s employment in some ways, it has removed much of the benefits that come with consistently working in shared physical spaces. Working in physical spaces allow opportunities for social support, long-term growth, and stability. The goal of this workshop is to facilitate a discussion around how physical spaces and online technologies influence each other in on-demand work. We plan to invite a diverse group of stakeholders, including researchers studying these topics, grassroots organizers who can represent and voice the concerns of their respective worker communities, and designers of on-demand work platforms. Discussion and ideas generated from this workshop will be archived online and made available to the larger research community and the general public.

W6. Identifying Challenges and Opportunities in Human–AI Collaboration in Healthcare

Abstract: The proposed workshop will bring together researchers in CSCW, HCI, AI, and the social sciences, with practitioners, clinicians, and relevant stakeholders in healthcare. Our goal is to identify research questions that will enable the field to uncover the types of work, labor relations, and social impacts that should be considered when designing AI-based healthcare technology. Specifically, we will consider the human experience of AI health technologies by exploring the following themes: 1) New Roles/Work Created by AI/Automation Technology in Healthcare, and 2) Trust in Light of Shifting Healthcare Workflows. The workshop aims to outline key challenges, guidelines, and future agendas for the field, and provide collaboration opportunities for CSCW researchers, social scientists, healthcare providers, and AI researchers, to share their perspectives and co-create sociotechnical approaches to tackle timely issues related to AI and automation in healthcare work.

W7. wellcomm2019: Exploring how to design Tools and Methods to Empower Groups to Co-Create and Own Their Own Healthful Workplace Culture

Abstract: How do we design kit that can help groups build healthier workplace cultures? And by health we mean the WHO version that is not just the absence of disease but also physical, social and mental wellbeing. Our focus is also not primarily tech for the physical environment--though that may certainly be part of it--but how design interactive tech for groups to explore, engage, shape the culture itself that defines what's "normal" around WHO Health in that group?

Most health tech for daily health and wellbeing is focused on individuals. We know that, with even the best will in the world, trying to practice what we learn in our workplaces, if we are the lone person in our group with that practice, can be very challenging to sustain, whether it’s abstaining from coffee break cookies, or taking a walking break or leaving a group sufficiently early to get a good night’s sleep or to spend time with family.

It’s understandable when group members do not feel they have the knowledge or power to create the fundamental cultural changes that would be necessary to support the kinds of healthier practices they are exploring and from which they may already have felt benefit.

So, how do we design interactive technology to enable diverse workplace groups, from personal assistants, to hotel housekeeping staff, to restaurant workers, to teachers and first responders, to gain the resources they need to bring together a group to explore, test, build, and create evidence of success to support processes that will both improve their wellbeing, and work within their groups?

And to be really clear: the goal here is to create assets that groups themselves can run without a Design Researcher needing to be present--can we create a Do it for Ourselves Healthful Culture Toolbox?

We welcome multiple submission types--information available on our webpage.

W8. Contestability In Algorithmic Decision Making

Abstract: As algorithmic (and particularly machine learning) decision making systems become both more widespread and visible to users, there are growing concerns about their trustworthiness and users’ willingness to engage with them. Alongside efforts to increase transparency and understandability, designing algorithmic decision making systems for contestability is another way to address these issues. However, adding contestability can be challenging, particularly in systems that are designed to be opaque. As one example, recidivism prediction systems that cannot be appealed in court demonstrate the complexities of systems that need to explain decisions, protect intellectual property and maintain human rights. This workshop will address when and how lay users, experts, regulators, and others should be able contest algorithmic decisions. This workshop aims to draw from the diverse set of domains with existing contestability practices (health, law, insurance, etc.) as well as ethics to develop a set of questions that need to be addressed as well as principles for how to do so.

Sunday Workshops

W9. Fostering Historical Research in CSCW & HCI

Abstract: This day-long workshop aims to support and grow the community of CSCW and HCI scholars that investigate the past to inform the design, critique and conceptualization of technology. At this workshop, we will learn from examples of historically-based CSCW and HCI work, explore issues in historical method that come up in such work, share methods and techniques, provide feedback and support to ongoing investigations; and define a shared agenda for future research on this topic. The workshop will also highlight research and methods that focus on non-Western contexts and that give voice to historically marginalized groups. Based on the workshop, we will develop a white paper and a website that will collect resources to support CSCW based historical investigations.

W10. Good Systems: Ethical AI for CSCW

Abstract: Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing work, including what it means for cooperative work to be supported by computers. The increased use of AI in CSCW can lead to many advantages, including increased productivity and efficiency, but it can also include several potential ethical trade-offs, such as invasions of privacy, loss of autonomy, and job displacement. This workshop will explore the ethical dimensions of AI in CSCW, building on Good Systems, a UT Grand Challenge. Specifically, the first half of the workshop will focus on the need to design AI to work for all users and to avoid bias through the use of universal design as well as the need for AI and CSCW researchers to interact with policy and legal experts to work together to ensure that AI will be developed in an ethical manner with sufficient consideration of its societal implications, and also that AI will be regulated and legislated in ways that will maximize its benefits to all people.

To Participate: Please submit a 1-page position paper (PDF) on the future of AI (what it will and/or should be) via e-mail to by August 30 (early bird) or September 30 (late breaking).

W11. Design and the Politics of Collaboration: A Grassroots Perspective

Abstract: In this workshop, we will advance our knowledge of how CSCW technologies can be better aligned with grassroots politics of collaboration. What politics are inherent in CSCW tools and techniques? How can we examine whether sociotechnical systems support collaboration in ways that lead to equitable solutions for all and not just a select few? What can we learn about collaborative systems and practices from other communities of people with lived experiences of politics of collaboration? Our workshop will incorporate communal practices of grassroots movement building to collectively explore what it means to examine designs of CSCW artifacts and practices for the politics they embody and promote. The workshop simultaneously is about grassroots approaches, and also leverages lessons we have learned from grassroots movements in our workshop structure.

W12. Addressing the Accessibility of Social Media

Abstract: Social media platforms are deeply ingrained in society, and they offer many different spaces for people to engage with others. Unfortunately, accessibility barriers prevent people with disabilities from fully participating in these spaces. Social media users commonly post inaccessible media, including videos without captions (which are important for people who are deaf or hard of hearing) and images without alternative text (descriptions read aloud by screen readers for people who are blind). Users with motor impairments must find workarounds to deal with the complex user interfaces of these platforms, and users with cognitive disabilities may face barriers to composing and sharing information.

We invite accessibility researchers, industry practitioners, and end-users with disabilities to come together at CSCW 2019 to outline challenges and solutions for improving social media accessibility. This workshop will forge collaborations between researchers and practitioners, and define high-priority accessibility challenges for social media platforms.

W13. Learning from Team and Group Diversity: Nurturing and Benefiting from our Heterogeneity

Abstract: By 2019, diversity is an established fact in most workplaces, teams, and work-groups, presenting both old and new challenges to CSCW. Diversity is a strength in some studies, and a burden in others. The literature is similarly complex regarding individual and organizational approaches to realize those strengths, or to mitigate those burdens. In this workshop, we collectively take stock of these complex findings; we consider the several theoretical and methodological efforts to organize these findings; and we propose new research directions to address the “diversity of diversity studies.”

W14. Mapping the “How” of Collaborative Action: Research Methods for Studying Contemporary Sociotechnical Processes

Abstract: Process has been a topic of concern for CSCW since the beginning. Contemporary developments in sociotechnical landscapes have raised a number of new challenges for the study of processes (e.g., massive online communities that bring together vast crowds; Big Data technologies that connect many through the flow of data across sites and contexts; etc.). These developments re-open questions about how we study, document, conceptualize, and design to support processes in complex, contemporary sociotechnical systems. This one-day workshop will bring together researchers and scholars across academia and industry to: discuss the CSCW community’s unique focus and methodological toolkit for studying process and workflow; provide a collaborative space for the improvement and extension of new and ongoing research projects within this space; and catalyze a network of scholars with expertise and interest in addressing challenging methodological questions around studying process in contemporary, sociotechnical systems.

W15. Social Technologies for Digital Wellbeing Among Marginalized Communities

Abstract: Recent discussions of online social technologies focus on their negatives in relation to wellbeing, prioritizing offline relationships and reduced screen time. However, many marginalized communities depend on online social technologies for building community, gaining social support and informational resources, and even exploring identity. This makes the continued use of these technologies crucial for the wellbeing of marginalized communities. This workshop aims to bring together a diverse group of researchers across subfields and across marginalized groups to discuss what digital wellbeing looks like for marginalized populations, share the state of knowledge in participants’ respective fields, and identify opportunities for leveraging social technologies for wellbeing among and across these communities. We will engage in exercises intended to foster mutual understanding, identify commonalities between populations/areas of inquiry, and bridge gaps between these research areas. Our goal is to stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration, with the hope of advancing an overall research agenda regarding digital wellbeing for marginalized populations. Those interested in participating should prepare a 1,000 word position statement based on one or more of the prompts on our workshop website and submit it to by August 30.

W16. Volunteer Work: Mapping the Future of Moderation Research

Abstract: Research on the governance of online communities often requires exchanges and interactions between researchers and moderators. While a growing body of work has studied commercial content moderation in the context of platform governance and policy enforcement, only a small number of studies have begun to explore the work of unpaid, volunteer community moderators who manage the millions of different subcommunities that exist on platforms. In this workshop, we want to create a pathway for future scholars to tackle the challenges and opportunities of research on volunteer community moderators and establish best practices for engaging with volunteer moderators without disrupting their work. Through lightning talks, collaborative brainstorming exercises, and small-group activities applying principles to research practice, workshop participants will bring together their diverse experiences and perspectives to map the future of moderation research. Both industry and academic researchers as well as experienced moderators will lead this one-day workshop that may accommodate up to 20 participants.