CSCW 2019


Workshops will be held on November 9 and 10, 2019 at the Hilton Hotel, Austin. We have eight workshops on Saturday and eight on Sunday. Please find information on accepted workshops and follow the workshop organizers’ instructions on their websites for how to submit and participate - here .

Key Dates

  • 5th July 2019, 5:00pm PDT: Workshop proposal deadline.
  • 19th July 2019: Notification of acceptance. Workshop organizers should begin recruiting participants immediately.
  • 26 July 2019: Website description and camera-ready abstracts due.
  • 9 August 2019: Final version of workshop description ( in Extended Abstract Format) submitted to workshop chairs.
  • 15 October 2019: Workshop organizers must notify Workshop Chairs with final workshop attendance numbers.
  • 9-10 November 2019: Workshops take place at CSCW 2019.

Workshop Proposals

Workshop proposals should consist of both an abstract and a detailed proposal. The abstract should be no more than 200 words. The body of the proposal should be no more than 3000 words, and should include a description of the theme(s) of the workshop, the workshop activities and goals, the duration of the workshop (one or two full days), the background of the organizer(s), the maximum number of participants, the means of recruiting and selecting participants, and the equipment and supplies needed to run the workshop.

Please note that workshops receive minimal technology support, which is reflected in the low fee for attending them. This means that organizers should plan to bring their own equipment insofar as it is possible to do so (e.g., laptops, portable supplies) and will be responsible for the security of their own equipment. We encourage workshop organizers to create web-based resources for their workshops so that advertising, submission, and organization can be handled online.

Workshop proposals should be e-mailed to the Workshop Co-Chairs at by 5:00 pm PDT on Friday, 5 July 2019. Submissions will be acknowledged via email. Organizers will be notified about whether their workshop has been accepted on Friday, 19 July 2019.

Accepted workshops will need to provide a short description of the workshop for publication on the conference website containing the workshop title, names and affiliations of organizers, 200-word abstract, workshop website link, and position paper submission or other participation requirements. The due date for the web description and workshop link is 26 July 2019.

A final workshop description will be published in the ACM Digital Library and will be distributed to all conference attendees in the Conference Proceedings Companion. This description must be submitted by and be formatted in Extended Abstract Format.

Organizers should complete the recruitment process and submit a final headcount to the workshop organizers by 15 October 2019.

Questions concerning workshop proposals should be directed to the CSCW 2019 Workshop Co-Chairs via email:

Workshops Co-Chairs

Jessica Vitak, University of Maryland
Tanushree Mitra, Virginia Tech