Important Dates
The following are important dates for CSCW 2019:
About Demonstrations
CSCW 2019 demonstrations present implementations of new CSCW systems and concepts. The curated demonstrations allow conference participants to view novel and noteworthy CSCW systems in action, discuss the systems with those who created them, and try them out. Appropriate demonstrations include applications, technologies, and research prototypes, and may showcase work that has been or is being published at CSCW or elsewhere. Demonstrations can also serve to showcase novel commercial products not previously described in the research literature.
Compelling demonstrations can include (but are not limited to) the following areas:
Presenters must have been directly involved with the development of the system and be able to explain the unique and novel contributions of the system.
CSCW demos are non-archival. We encourage the submission of demos that were previously shown at other venues but that will be novel to the CSCW audience, as such demos can serve to build bridges between research communities. Authors should state previous demo venues in their submission and point out differences to previous demos.
All questions about Demos should be directed to
Submission Categories
At CSCW 2019 the primary type of demo is the Reception Demo. Reception Demos will be showcased during a special evening demo reception. These demonstrations will be spaced around a large room, and will run concurrently during the block of time set aside for demonstrations. Attendees will be free to explore the room and visit demos of interest. This promotes informal interaction and in-depth information exchange among demo presenters and attendees. A demo presentation should be brief so that it can be shown repeatedly to many attendees.
Demonstrators may also propose an Integrated Demo. Integrated Demos will run throughout the main conference program, and should enhance the conference experience for attendees. Integrated demos will also receive space at the demo reception where authors can better explain the nature of the demo and associated research in a focused format.
The demo chairs may request additional information or start a dialogue with proposers of integrated demos during the review period to assess feasibility as an integrated demo, as such systems need to be more robust and work without the author’s presence. We will work with authors to determine which format - whether integrated or reception - is most suitable for the proposed demonstration.
Examples of integrated demos might be systems that enable social networking, or that enable collaborative reflection on conference presentations. Although preparing, deploying, and supporting an integrated demo will require a larger commitment of time and effort, it will also provide the presenter with a unique opportunity to gather data about the use of their CSCW system in a structured environment with a diverse user population. If you intend to gather data about the use of your integrated demo, you are responsible for obtaining the approval of any Institutional Review Board (IRB) and/or Human Subjects panels at your home institution, and will need to provide any required consent/disclosure forms for participants. Regardless of whether or not your institution has an IRB, we expect authors to consider the ethical implications of their data collection and demo output.
All demonstrations will be advertised and showcased in the conference pack and throughout the conference. In addition, a panel of judges will select one demonstration to receive a Best Demo Award during the reception.
Submission Materials
Demonstration submissions consist of two required and one optional component.
The extended abstract is a description of the project goal or research problem, contribution, and value to CSCW attendees of max. 4 pages. It will be published in the ACM Digital Library and distributed to all attendees as part of the Conference Extended Abstracts. The extended abstract details the kinds of cooperative activities the demonstration is intended to support, the noteworthy and distinguishing ideas or approaches it embodies, a brief description of the system that will be demoed, and a clear statement of the demo’s relevance to the CSCW audience. The extended abstract should be submitted in PDF format. Please submit it in the SIGCHI Extended Abstract Format
The demo system summary is a short description of the demo, the team, and the required setup. The system summaries will not be published in the Digital Library. In a separate document, please include answers to the following questions - proposals missing a clear and detailed plan will likely be rejected:
Optionally, the demo submission can be supported by a short Video Figure. The video should be at most two minutes long.
Submission Instructions
The extended abstract, system summary, and URL for accessing the video have to be submitted via PCS by June 17, 2019 5:00 pm PDT. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.
CSCW 2019 is using a new version of Precision Conference System (PCS 2.0): Please note that you will need to create a new login/password for this system.
PCS 2.0 is still in development, and you are encouraged to report problems or to make interface suggestions to
Please direct all questions regarding the demo submissions to We look forward to seeing you!
Demonstrations Co-Chairs
Joel Chan (University of Maryland)
Chinmay Kulkarni (Carnegie Mellon University)