CSCW is the premier venue for research in the design and use of technologies that affect groups, organizations, communities, and networks. Bringing together top researchers and practitioners, CSCW explores the technical, social, material, and theoretical challenges of designing technology to support collaborative work and life activities. Join us as we explore how technologies can enable new ways of living and working together.
The goal of any presentation is to communicate with your audience, but it's easy to exclude people unintentionally. In the link below you find some tips how you can make your presentation accessible to everyone in your audience.
Guidelines for accessible presentations can be found here.
To create visibility for the scholarly work in this space, CSCW 2019 hosts an annual conference lunch to recognize and celebrate the diversity and inclusion efforts of our community. The lunch will take place on Monday, November 11, 2019, and will host up to 250 attendees. At the lunch, conference papers whose underlying research and scholarly work contributes diversity & inclusion. More information can be found here.
The ACM OpenTOC enables Special Interest Groups to open the content from recently held conferences enabling visitors to download the definitive version of the contents from the ACM Digital Library at no charge for a one year period starting from the conference start date. Downloads of these articles are captured in official ACM statistics, improving the accuracy of usage and impact measurements.
Access Open TOCFernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg co-lead Google’s PAIR (People+AI Research) initiative, part of Google Brain. Their work in machine learning focuses on transparency and interpretability, as part of a broad agenda to improve human/AI interaction. They are well known for their contributions to social and collaborative visualization, and the systems they’ve created are used daily by millions of people.
Viégas and Wattenberg are also known for visualization-based artwork, which has been exhibited in venues such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, London Institute of Contemporary Arts and the Whitney Museum of American Art. Their artwork has influenced contemporary design practice: for instance, the techniques in their wind map are now used by many major media companies to display the weather.
Katharine is the Manager of Policy and Activism at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), where she manages national policy strategy. Her activism focuses on intellectual property, net neutrality, fair use, free speech online, and intermediary liability. Before joining EFF, Katharine was a writer and then an editor at the science fiction and science website io9. Her work has also appeared in io9’s sister publications Deadspin, Jezebel, and Gizmodo.
Katharine got a BA in history at Columbia University and a JD at USC Gould School of Law, doing work with the USC Intellectual Property and Technology Law Clinic.
It was Katharine’s experience in media that led to her going to law school with an eye to learning more about fair use and copyright law.