November 3rd-7th, 2018 : New York City's Hudson River (Jersey City)
Important Dates

The following are important dates for the CSCW 2018 Second Cycle:

  • April 16, 2018, 5:00 p.m. PDT: Paper Abstracts Due (ahead of paper submissions)

  • April 19, 2018, 5:00 p.m. PDT: Paper Submissions Due

  • June 15, 2018: First-Round Notifications (Revise & Resubmit, or Reject)

  • July 11, 2018, 5:00 p.m. PDT: Revised Papers Due

  • August 8, 2018: Final Notifications

  • September 3, 2018: Camera-Ready Deadline

  • November 3-7, 2018: CSCW 2018

Call for Papers

CSCW is an international and interdisciplinary peer reviewed conference seeking the best research on all topics relevant to collaborative and social computing. We invite authors to submit papers that inform the design or deployment of collaborative or social systems; introduce novel systems, interaction techniques, or algorithms; or study existing collaborative or social practices. The scope of CSCW 2018 includes social computing and social media, crowdsourcing, open collaboration, technologically-enabled or enhanced communication, CSCL, MOOCs, and related educational technologies, multi-user input technologies, collaboration, awareness, information sharing, and coordination. This scope spans socio-technical domains of work, home, education, healthcare, the arts, sociality, entertainment, and ethics. Papers can report on novel research results, systems, or new ways of thinking about, studying, or supporting shared activities.

CSCW encourages papers that make a contribution to building CSCW systems including (but not limited to) technical enablers for CSCW applications; methods and techniques for new CSCW services and applications; and evaluation of fully-built CSCW systems and lab and field settings.

Contributions to CSCW across a variety of research techniques, approaches, and domains, including:

  • Social and crowd computing. Studies, theories, designs, mechanisms, systems, and/or infrastructures addressing social media, social networking, wikis, blogs, online gaming, crowdsourcing, collective intelligence, virtual worlds or collaborative information behaviors.

  • System design. Hardware, architectures, infrastructures, interaction design, technical foundations, algorithms, and/or toolkits that enable the building of new social and collaborative systems and experiences.

  • Theories. Critical analysis or theory with clear relevance to the design or study of social and collaborative systems.

  • Empirical investigations. Findings, guidelines, and/or studies related to communication, collaboration, and social technologies, practices, or use. CSCW 2018 welcomes diverse methods and approaches.

  • Mining and modeling. Studies, analyses and infrastructures for making use of large- and small-scale data.

  • Methodologies and tools. Novel methods or combinations of approaches and tools used in building systems or studying their use.

  • Domain-specific social and collaborative applications. Including applications to healthcare, transportation, gaming, ICT4D, sustainability, education, accessibility, global collaboration, or other domains.

  • Collaboration systems based on emerging technologies. Mobile and ubiquitous computing, game engines, virtual worlds, multi-touch, novel display technologies, vision and gesture recognition, big data, MOOCs, crowd labor markets, SNSs, or sensing systems.

  • Ethics and policy implications. Analysis of the implications of socio-technical systems and the algorithms that shape them.

  • Crossing boundaries. Studies, prototypes, or other investigations that explore interactions across disciplines, distance, languages, generations, and cultures, to help better understand how to transcend social, temporal, and/or spatial boundaries.

Note that CSCW is moving all publications to the Proceedings of the ACM (PACM). All CSCW papers (including Online First papers) will be include in the Proceedings of the ACM (PACM) journal.

To bridge the gap until the 2018 paper deadline, we offered an Online First call for paper participation. The Online First deadline has passed, but details about this process can be found here.

Send queries about Paper submissions to

Format and Submission Process Details

CSCW 2018 is using a new version of Precision Conference System (PCS 2.0): Please note that you will need to create a new login/password for this system.

PCS 2.0 is still in development, and you are encouraged to report problems or to make interface suggestions to

Authors submitting papers for peer-review to ACM publications make the following representations (see for full policy statement):

  • That the paper submitted is original, that the listed authors are the creators of the work, that each author is aware of the submission and that they are listed as an author, and that the paper is an honest representation of the underlying work.

  • That the work submitted is not currently under review at any other publication venue, and that it will not be submitted to another venue unless it has been rejected or withdrawn from this venue.

  • That the authors have the rights and intent to publish the work in the venue to which it is submitted, if the work is accepted. For conference papers, this includes the expected ability and intent to have an author of the paper register for and attend the conference to present the paper, if required.

  • That any prior publications on which this work is based are documented appropriately in the paper and/or in a cover letter available to reviewers. This documentation includes providing an explanation of the incremental contribution of the submitted CSCW 2018 paper that extends prior results published elsewhere. (In cases of double blind review, this information should be supplied to the program chairs only.)

In cases where an author feels a particular representation cannot be made, but that submission is appropriate, the author should contact the program chairs prior to submission to discuss the situation and determine whether submission will be permitted.

All submissions must be new work that has not been published in a peer reviewed conference or journal. Work previously published in workshops that do not have published proceedings may be submitted (as-is or extended) to CSCW 2018. Work previously published in workshops that do have published proceedings may only be submitted if the work is substantially extended from the workshop paper. In any case where part of a submitted paper has been previously published, the authors should contact the Papers Chairs to inform them of the prior publication, including its citation and a brief description of the changes incorporated into the CSCW 2018 submitted version.

Regarding the re-publication in English of work previously published in another language, please refer to the statement by ACM SIGCHI regarding specialized conferences:

Confidentiality of submitted material will be maintained. Upon acceptance, the titles, authorship, and abstracts of papers will be used in the Advance Program. Submissions should contain no information or material that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of publication, and should cite no publication that will be proprietary or confidential at that time. Final versions of accepted papers must be formatted according to detailed instructions provided by the publisher. Copyright release forms must be signed for inclusion in the proceedings and the ACM Digital Library.

Formatting and Length

CSCW has moved to the Proceedings of the ACM - HCI, which uses the ACM Small article template. This template is substantially different from the traditional two-column SIGCHI papers template, and may take extra time to typeset. The ACM Small template is available for download as part of the ACM Master Template. Please use the most recent version of the master template, even if you have previously downloaded it. Several issues identified during the CSCW 2017 process have been addressed in recent updates. Word users: if the typefaces are not showing up correctly, be sure you have installed the fonts included in the ACM template download. Authors using the Overleaf platform can use the templates provided within Overleaf. Papers should be converted to PDF before submission.

Note: In preparing initial submissions, authors should make their best effort at matching the ACM-Small template styles and conventions, but please don’t worry about perfect formatting at this stage! Any smaller formatting issues can be addressed during the revision cycle and camera-ready preparation stage.

There is no minimum or maximum length imposed on papers. Rather, reviewers will be instructed to weigh the contribution of a paper relative to its length. Papers should report research thoroughly but succinctly: brevity is a virtue. A typical length with the new template is about 13-15 pages (excluding images and references). Last year, most papers were under 10,000 words. Papers may be shorter if the contribution can be described and supported in fewer pages. Shorter, more focused papers (called Notes in prior years) are encouraged and will be reviewed like any other paper. While we will review papers that exceed the typical length, the contribution must warrant the extra length. Papers whose length is incommensurate with their contribution will be rejected.

Blind Review Policy

Papers are subject to blind reviewing. Your submission should have authors' names and affiliations removed, and avoid obvious identifying statements. Citations to your own relevant work should not be anonymous, but rather should be done without identifying yourself as the author. For example, say "Prior work by [authors]" instead of "In our prior work."

CSCW does not have a policy against uploading preprints to SSRN or arXiv before they are submitted for review at the conference. Authors may choose to do this at their own risk but they should be aware that this can have implications for the anonymity of their work during the review process.

Open Review Summaries

In an effort to increase transparency and openness, CSCW will this year publish review summaries of accepted papers as supplementary material in the ACM Digital Library. The review summary will be based on the final meta-review for each paper. This is an experiment that we hope will turn into a tradition within our community. As such, we expect that the process will be improved over time as we learn together from our experiences. Review summaries (edited meta-review) of accepted papers will be published by default. However, when submitting a paper, authors will have the option to opt-out from this experiment. This choice will not impact how the paper is reviewed. (Meta-reviews of rejected papers will not be made public.)

Video Figures

Consider submitting a video that illustrates your work, either as a video figure judged as part of your submission (no more than three minutes long and 50MB in size), or as a longer stand-alone submission to the video track. Videos are not required for paper submissions, but are strongly encouraged, particularly for papers contributing novel systems or interaction techniques.

At the Conference

All papers accepted for CSCW 2018 from the Online First or the subsequent Second Cycle final deadline are expected to be presented at CSCW 2018 by at least one of the authors. However, the conference will find ways to accommodate those who are unable to travel to the United States due to geo-political reasons. Such papers will be included in the proceedings regardless of the author registration status, and we will seek ways for authors to present their work remotely at the conference.

Presentation format for Online First papers may be different but is guaranteed to include some form of oral presentation at the conference.

Program Committee Members

Morgan Ames, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Gabriela Avram, University of Limerick, Ireland
Naveen Bagalkot, Srishti Institute of Art, Design, & Technology, India
Saeideh Bakhshi, Facebook, USA
Louise Barkhuus, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Eric Baumer, Lehigh University, USA
Andrew Begel, Microsoft Research, USA
Ana Cristina Bicharra, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
Claus Bossen, Aarhus University, Denmark
Barry Brown, Stockholm University, Sweden
John Carroll, Penn State University, USA
Matthew Chalmers, Glasgow University, UK
Joel Chan, University of Maryland, USA
Marshini Chetty, Princeton University, USA
Rumi Chunara, NYU, USA
Luigina Ciolfi, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Adrian Clear, Northumbria University, UK
Rob Comber, Royal Institute of Technology KTH, Sweden
Andy Crabtree, University of Nottingham, UK
Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University, USA
Munmun De Choudhury, Georgia Tech, USA
Giorgio De Michelis, University of Milano - Bicocca, Italy
Cleidson de Souza, Vale Institute of Technology & Federal University of Pará, Brazil
Jana Diesner, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Mateusz Dolata, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Sheena Erete, DePaul University, USA
Rosta Farzan, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Casey Fiesler, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Joel Fischer, University of Nottingham, UK
Benjamin Fonseca, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal
Andrea Forte, Drexel University, USA
Guo Freeman, University of Cincinnati, USA
Ge Gao, University of California, Irvine, USA
Eric Gilbert, University of Michigan, USA
Jorge Goncalves, University of Melbourne, Australia
Nitesh Goyal, Cornell University, USA
Antonietta Grasso, Xerox Research Centre Europe, France
Shion Guha, Marquette University, USA
Francisco J. Gutierrez, University of Chile, Chile
Carl Gutwin, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Aaron Halfaker, Wikimedia, USA
Benjamin Hanrahan, Penn State University, USA
Mako Hill, University of Washington, USA
Pam Hinds, Stanford, USA
Yun Huang, Syracuse University, USA
Elaine Huang, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Shah Rukh Humayoun, Tufts University, USA
Netta IIvari, University of Oulu, Finland
Nozomi Ikeya, Keio University, Japan
Tomoo Inoue, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Bridget Kane, Karlstad University, Sweden
David Karger, MIT, USA
Brian Keegan, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Wendy Kellogg, USA
Ryan Kelly, University of Melbourne, Australia
Emre Kiciman, Microsoft Research, USA
Juho Kim, KAIST, South Korea
Joy Kim, Adobe, USA
René Kizilcec, Stanford, USA
Jess Kropczynski, University of Cincinnati, USA
Chinmay Kulkarni, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Neha Kumar, Georgia Tech, USA
Hideaki Kuzuoka, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Edith Law, University of Waterloo, Canada
Gilly Leshed, Cornell University, USA
Vera Liao, IBM, USA
Janne Lindqvist, Rutgers University, USA
Silvia Lindtner, University of Michigan, USA
Thomas Ludwig, University of Siegen, Germany
Donny McMillan, Stockholm University, Sweden
Tanushree Mitra, Virginia Tech, USA
Jonathan Morgan, Wikimedia, USA
Michael Muller, IBM, USA
Lisa Nathan, University of British Columbia, Canada
Oded Nov, NYU, USA
Nicole Novielli, University of Bari, Italy
Francisco Nunes, Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, Portugal
Thomas Olsson, University of Tampere, Finland
Gerald Oster, TELECOM Nancy, University of Lorraine, France
Konstantinos Papangelis, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (PRC), China
Andrea Parker, Northeastern University, USA
Sameer Patil, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Aparecido Fabiano Pinatti de Carvalho, University of Siegen, Germany
Nathaniel Poor, Independent scholar, USA
Michael Prilla, TU Clausthal, Germany
Emilee Rader, Michigan State University, USA
Dave Randall, University of Siegen, Germany
Lionel Robert, University of Michigan, USA
Markus Rohde, University of Siegen, Germany
John Rooksby, University of Glasgow, UK
Chiara Rossitto, Stockholm University, Sweden
Mark Rouncefield, Lancaster University, UK
Alan Said, University of Skövde, Sweden
Antti Salovaara, University of Helsinki, Finland
Nithya Sambasivan, Google, USA
Christian Sandvig, University of Michigan, USA
Saiph Savage, West Virginia University, USA
Bryan Semaan, Syracuse University, USA
David Shamma, FXPAL, USA
Patrick Shih, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Vivek Singh, Rutgers University, USA
Petr Slovak, University College London, UK
Jaime Snyder, University of Washington, USA
Emily Sun, Airbnb, USA
John Tang, Microsoft Research, USA
Alex Taylor, City, University of London, UK
Maurizio Teli, Madeira Institute of Technology, Portugal
Jenn Thom, Spotify, USA
John Thomas, USA
Peter Tolmie, University of Siegen, Germany
Rajan Vaish, Snap Inc., USA
Nervo Verdezoto, University of Leicester, UK
Jessica Vitak, University of Maryland, USA
Dhaval Vyas, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Jim Wallace, University of Waterloo, Canada
Dakuo Wang, IBM, USA
Hao-Chuan Wang, University of California, Davis, USA
Yi Wang, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Leon Watts, University of Bath, UK
Jenny Waycott, University of Melbourne, Australia
Mark Whiting, Stanford, USA
Jason Wiese, University of Utah, USA
Christo Wilson, Northeastern University, USA
Pamela Wisniewski, University of Central Florida, USA
Christine Wolf, IBM Research, USA
Paweł Woźniak, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Volker Wulf, University of Siegen, Germany
Naomi Yamashita, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Japan
Dongwook Yoon, University of British Columbia, Canada
Amy Zhang, MIT, USA
Haoqi Zhang, Northwestern University, USA
Haiyi Zhu, University of Minnesota, USA

Papers Co-Chairs

Geraldine Fitzpatrick (TU Wien; Vienna University of Technology)
Karrie Karahalios (University of Illinois)
Airi Lampinen (Stockholm University)
Andrés Monroy-Hernández (Snap, Inc.)