Lasting Impact Award
Wanda Orlikowski
CSCW 2015 Lasting Impact Award for her 1992 CSCW paper
Learning from Notes: organizational issues in groupware implementation
The paper will be discussed by panelists Judy Olson (University of California Irvine), David Ribes (Georgetown University), and Pernille Bjørn (IT University of Copenhagen) at the award session on Tuesday afternoon.
Wanda Orlikowski is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Information Technologies and Organization Studies at MIT's Sloan School of Management. She received her Ph.D. from New York University. Her research examines technologies in the workplace, with a particular focus on the ongoing relationships among technologies, organizing structures, cultural norms, control mechanisms, communication, and work practices. She is currently exploring sociomaterial practices in social media.
She has published in the ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Administrative Science Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Organization Science, MIS Quarterly, and the journals of the Academy of Management. She has served as a senior editor for Organization Science, and currently serves on the editorial boards of Information and Organization, Information Technology & People, Organization Science, and the Annals of the Academy of Management.